What do I bring to class?

A great can-do attitude along with a set of 5lb. or 8lb. dumbbells and an exercise mat & be sure to bring water to keep yourself hydrated. We are working out outside, so gloves are an optional item. You might also consider bringing a towel because you will be sweaty! In the colder months, be sure to dress in layers as you will warm up fast.

What if I sign up for the morning class and need to attend an afternoon or evening class?

Hey, life happens! However, accountability is important so just let your instructor know your schedule at the beginning of the session or class. You can text, email, call, or speak to your instructor in person to let them know of any changes in your fitness commitment. We are flexible and we certainly want you to get all the classes you’re paying for, just let us know and we will work with you.

What is the refund policy?

If you are unable to attend camp due to circumstances out of your control, we can offer you a refund if you notify us prior to your session start date. If we are notified after your session begins, we can only give you a credit towards another session. Credit is not given toward private fitness training. There is no cash refund. This is not negotiable.

What kind of workouts are they?

Every class is different! We will mix up your workouts to provide variety and fun! You will experience strength & resistance training focused on muscle groups, cardio (sprints, running - under a mile, power walking) core/abdominal training, HIIT, tabata training, and fun circuits designed to keep you energized and burning fat all day.

It’s easy to design a hard workout. 

We've all been there... create a workout with little or no rest and put together huge amounts of the hardest, most full-body moves we can think of. DONE! Mic drop! Guaranteed destruction & exhaustion! WOOHOO! Mission accomplished!

But just because a workout is hard doesn’t mean it’s good.

When we design workouts, it’s about more than just arbitrarily throwing some hard moves together so that you feel worked and sore the next day.

Yes, many of us like the feeling of success that comes with having survived a “brutal” workout, but that doesn’t mean we want to create workouts where you're physically exhausted after every workout and LITERALLY can't move the next day. Sometimes, even injuring ourselves in the process. We ALWAYS consider why we, and our clients, are working out.

To hit specific GOALS!

And those GOALS drive how I design our workouts so we can move and feel better LONG TERM.Be stronger. Walk taller. & Stay Fit. 

For each workout, we consider variables like exercises, reps, sets, rest, intensity, volume, intervals, weights, tempos….and MORE! And our instructors work to match our current fitness level(s) and where we want to be in our fitness journey.

At 360 Fitness, we utilize all of these things to create programs that get results.
And the best part is, there are so many ways to combine things that can work AND make training fun, challenging, and interesting!

Hard is great. But results… results are what keep us coming back for more!

This is why we are not simply focused on making things harder. Or on doing more.

EVERY. SINGLE. WORKOUT. Is a labor of love. Focused on the pieces put together that make up each routine to make the workouts more effective, AND focus these pieces on your needs and goals.

There are a ton of different ways to design a workout that can work for different goals.

Take, for instance, some of my favorite interval setups...The 30/10, 50/10, or 30/30/10 design.

These workouts are designed to fatigue an "area" of the body, meaning your work output will more dramatically DECREASE over the rounds. You are going to burn out those leg muscles or abs or upper body, or lower abs, for example.

This should show you that the workout design, and all of the details included, can really impact our results.

It's why we have to stop focusing simply on making things harder. Or on doing more.

It's just that simple.

What does each bootcamp session include?

Aside from supporting you in your quest for fitness, we offer an experience beyond a trip to the solitary gym; we provide you with a community to belong to and an instructor to support you along the way. You will also receive the following:

  1. You will be able to monitor your improvements by participating in fun and challenging fitness assessments that include functional movements (functional movements are movements based on real-world situational biomechanics).

  2. Miscellaneous awards & prizes will be given out at the discretion of your instructor.

  3. Motivation, inspiration, and support.

  4. Food Journal Tracking & Feedback.

  5. 360 Fitness & Nutrition coaching.

  6. 50-minute exercise sessions & 10 minutes of cool-down/stretching.

  7. Real-time goal setting & progress feedback via 360 Fitness Coaching app.

  8. Meal Planning including: menu, recipes, & shopping lists via the Real Plans app.

What if I'm out of shape?

Our workouts are perfect for you! No one will be left behind or asked to do anything unsafe. We only ask that you come with a positive attitude and the mindset to push yourself during every workout.

Are there special rules?

Nothing special, just some common sense stuff: 1) we will start on time and end on time, so always do your best not to be late. Please plan to be at your mat 3 to 5 minutes early so the class can get going right on time. We will always respect your time and ask that you do the same for your classmates and your instructor; 2) this one is for the early morning classes, we are working out outside super early and need to be cognizant of our noise when we're in the parking lot or on the street; 3) please no headphones, we will be playing awesome upbeat workout music for you so no need to bring them; and last but not least 4) Bring a positive attitude and avoid using profanity.

Can I bring a guest to bootcamp to try it out?

Yes! You absolutely can! We have established the second week of each camp as our bring-a-friend week. Just let us know via email or text when you will be bringing your friend, provide their contact info so we can send them some info and we can go from there. If your friend signs up, you will get a referral reward!

What if I want to sign up after a session has already started?

Class size is limited, send us an email and if there is room, we will work on getting you signed up. Of course, we will prorate the cost of the session for you.

If the current sessions are full, we can get you signed up for the next session!

What type of people usually work out at 360 Fitness Coaching for Women?

Women just like you! Our clients range in age from 21 - 65+ at all levels of fitness. 360 Fitness Coaching classes are designed to challenge you if you haven’t worked out in years or if you hit the gym every day, but want to try something new. 

What kind of health and safety precautions are being taken during class to avoid spreading respiratory diseases like COVID-19 and the flu?

We suggest that everyone follow CDC guidelines when it comes to personal hygiene and understanding how to protect yourself and others (click the underlined words or phrases to go to the CDC website):

  • Clean your hands often.

  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick.

  • Stay home if you are sick.

  • Cover coughs and sneezes.

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.

Here are the specific safety protocols we have in place during each workout class:

  • We will no longer share equipment during our cardio circuits. We will use our own dumbbells when weights are needed and we will provide everyone with their own long band and/or short band and will sanitize all equipment between classes.

  • We will practice social distancing during workouts. 

  • We will provide hand sanitizer, wipes, & equipment sanitizer spray for use during class.

  • If you are not feeling well, or feel as if you were exposed to anyone ill or may have traveled to a high infection rate location, we ask that you respect others and stay home.

  • We do not recommend wearing a mask during exercise; however, if you feel the need to wear one, please do so. All instructors have masks available for you, so please don’t hesitate to ask for one if you need one.

What is a fitness assessment and how do I sign up for one?

360 Fitness Coaching Assessments are a three-step process: 1) we will meet, either in person or virtually via Zoom, for 30 to 40 minutes and take your measurements, calculate your body composition, & talk through your specific goals; 2) we will send you a link to our fitness app where you need to sign up and will be prompted to answer questions about your goals, etc. 3) we will have a physical in-class assessment the first and last Friday of each 4-week Session, to track your physical strength, flexibility, & progress toward your overall fitness goal(s). Text or email me kelly@360-fitness-coaching.com to set everything up. You will have ongoing access to this app so that you can track your progress too!

Does 360 Fitness Coaching for Women have a vision and mission statement?

Absolutely! When we put our workouts together, we ALWAYS think about the pieces we are including to make the workouts more effective (see the “What kind of workout are they?”question above), as well as our 360 Fitness Coaching for Women, strategic vision and mission:

  1. Provide an instructor that cares and ensures clients are focused on the quality of each exercise, not just speed and quantity, and is present to guide clients through each workout & cool down properly.

  2. Be challenging to beginners, intermediate, and advanced campers.

  3. Focus on functional movement, strength, and flexibility based on biomechanics.